Bookcashback - Gifts offers

by ezaaro



Bookcashback is an app where you can get latest coupons, discounts, deals & offers from over 2000+ Shopping stores in India!You can submit coupons or offers of your store/shop/website absolutely free on bookcashback.What Can You Do With Our AppSEARCH DEALS & COUPONS - Simply enter what you are looking for in the search section and select options - Search Deals, Gift Stores for recipient and price range option. This is particularly useful when you are looking for something specific and don’t want to browse different lists on our app. You can find latest discounts & offers.Browse Top & Popular DEALS – With the ready-made list of popular & top deals you have a one-click access to deals from over 2000 stores/websites. To narrow your results, you can filter these lists by Groups to view specific Electronics offers, Online food order offers, Mobiles offers, Grocery offers, flight offers , hotel booking deals , recharge coupons , bill payment offers, fashion discounts deals , freebies, computers & laptops deals, Buy1 Get 1 Offers etc. To view offers from specific online stores, you can also use the brand filters present on our app. Also get all Diwali Offers, Diwali coupons, Big Billion Days Sale Offers & Great Indian Festival Sale Deals.SUBMIT DEALS - Join our active online shopping community and submit your hot deals, daily deals, freebies & contests, reviews of product & online shopping websites and more on our app and get insights into online shopping deals.MANAGE YOUR PROFILE & NOTIFICATION - You can view or edit your profile information on bookcashback app. We send you Notifications whenever a New Front Page Deal (FPD) or Mega sale is live. You can also manage these notifications from this section.For feedback, questions or concerns for our app, please add them in the reviews section or email us on [email protected] Shopping :)